Java Generate Same Secret Key From String

Java Generate Same Secret Key From String 5,8/10 7547 reviews

The Azure Key Vault client library for Java allows you to manage keys and related assets such as certificates and secrets. The code samples below will show you how to create a client, set a secret, retrieve a secret, and delete a secret. The entire console app is below. Code examples Add directives. Add the following directives to the top of. This is my page and class to encrypt the string entered and saved in database. Each time, the Keyc is the same, as I take it from custom settings. But when I enter abc and save two times, the ent. There is a contradiction in the term 'unique hash key'. Hash codes are not unique - a hashing algorithm will always have multiple possible inputs that result in the same hash code. (It's very easy to see theoretically why this is so - the hash code has fewer bits than the original data, so if there is a mapping from original data to hash keys, there must be some overlap).

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Get started with the Azure Key Vault client library for Java. Follow the steps below to install the package and try out example code for basic tasks.

Azure Key Vault helps safeguard cryptographic keys and secrets used by cloud applications and services. Use the Key Vault client library for Java to:

  • Increase security and control over keys and passwords.
  • Create and import encryption keys in minutes.
  • Reduce latency with cloud scale and global redundancy.
  • Simplify and automate tasks for TLS/SSL certificates.
  • Use FIPS 140-2 Level 2 validated HSMs.

Source code API reference documentation Product documentation Samples


  • An Azure subscription - create one for free.
  • Java Development Kit (JDK) version 8 or above
  • Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell

This quickstart assumes you are running Azure CLI and Apache Maven in a Linux terminal window.

Setting up

Create new Java console app

In a console window, use the mvn command to create a new Java console app with the name akv-java.

The output from generating the project will look something like this:

Change your directory to the newly created akv-java/ folder.

What key combination in linux generates a backspace mean Earlier, the console driver would do BS Space BS( 010040010)when it got a DEL ( 177).Nowadays, DEL's are ignored (as they should be,since the driver emulates a vt100).

Install the package


Open the pom.xml file in your text editor. Add the following dependency elements to the group of dependencies.

Create a resource group and key vault

Java Generate Same Secret Key From String Light

This quickstart uses a pre-created Azure key vault. You can create a key vault by following the steps in the Azure CLI quickstart, Azure PowerShell quickstart, or Azure portal quickstart. Alternatively, you can run the Azure CLI commands below.


Each key vault must have a unique name. Replace with the name of your key vault in the following examples.


Create a service principal

The simplest way to authenticate a cloud-based application is with a managed identity; see Use an App Service managed identity to access Azure Key Vault for details. For the sake of simplicity however, this quickstart creates a desktop application, which requires the use of a service principal and an access control policy.

Create a service principle using the Azure CLI az ad sp create-for-rbac command:

This operation will return a series of key / value pairs.

Take note of the clientId, clientSecret, and tenantId, as we will use them in the next two steps.

Give the service principal access to your key vault

Create an access policy for your key vault that grants permission to your service principal by passing the clientId to the az keyvault set-policy command. Give the service principal get, list, and set permissions for both keys and secrets.

Set environmental variables

The DefaultAzureCredential method in our application relies on three environmental variables: AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET, and AZURE_TENANT_ID. use set these variables to the clientId, clientSecret, and tenantId values you noted in the Create a service principal step, above. Use the export VARNAME=VALUE format to set your environmental variables. (This method only sets the variables for your current shell and processes created from the shell; to permanently add these variables to your environment, edit your /etc/environment file.)

You will also need to save your key vault name as an environment variable called KEY_VAULT_NAME.

Object model

The Azure Key Vault client library for Java allows you to manage keys and related assets such as certificates and secrets. The code samples below will show you how to create a client, set a secret, retrieve a secret, and delete a secret.

The entire console app is below.

Code examples

Add directives

Add the following directives to the top of your code:

Authenticate and create a client

Authenticating to your key vault and creating a key vault client depends on the environmental variables in the Set environmental variables step above. The name of your key vault is expanded to the key vault URI, in the format https://<your-key-vault-name>

Save a secret

Now that your application is authenticated, you can put a secret into your keyvault using the secretClient.setSecret method. This requires a name for the secret -- we've assigned the value 'mySecret' to the secretName variable in this sample.

You can verify that the secret has been set with the az keyvault secret show command:

Retrieve a secret

You can now retrieve the previously set value with the secretClient.getSecret method.

You can now access the value of the retrieved secret with retrievedSecret.getValue().

Delete a secret

Finally, let's delete the secret from your key vault with the secretClient.beginDeleteSecret method.

You can verify that the secret is gone with the az keyvault secret show command:

Clean up resources

When no longer needed, you can use the Azure CLI or Azure PowerShell to remove your key vault and the corresponding resource group.

Sample code

Next steps

In this quickstart you created a key vault, stored a secret, and retrieved that secret. To learn more about Key Vault and how to integrate it with your applications, continue on to the articles below.

  • Read an Overview of Azure Key Vault
  • See the Azure Key Vault developer's guide
  • Review Azure Key Vault best practices
posted 10 years ago
i want to compare objects. from each object i built a string. but this string is too long. so i want to create a key instead of keeping long string.
how can i create this key from the string.
Please help ! !
posted 10 years ago
Welcome to JavaRanch
I presume you can't implement the Comparable interface? Can you create a Comparator?
If you put Strings as Keys in a Map, I didn't think there was any limit to its length.
Have I misunderstood your question?
posted 10 years ago
Yeah, I agree. It is better to have the objects compare themselves -- or even using a comparator -- than to convert it to a string for comparision. But, to answer your question..
There is no free lunch here. You can shorten a string, but you will lose data, and hence, accuracy in comparison. Generally, shortening a string is useful, if you only care to detect if two strings are *not* equal. The easiest way is to use the hashcode, since if two strings are not equal, then their hashcodes are not equal either. Another way is to use a message digest, such as MD5 or SHA1, but again, like with hashcode, it is possible for two unequal strings to have the same digest.

Books: Java Threads, 3rd Edition, Jini in a Nutshell, and Java Gems (contributor)

posted 10 years ago
Thanks for the both replies.
inside my main object there are lot of sub objects. this main object is not just a string. so I create a unique string using the data inside this main object. this key would be length of 100 charactors.sometimes more than that. it depend on the data inside the main object.
And i have around 250 main objects to compare each other. so still you propose to keep the string key as the Map key?
I thought to use MD5 and create a hashcode.
also can two unequal objects have same hashcode if i use MD5?
posted 10 years ago

can two unequal objects have same hashcode if i use MD5?

No free lunch. Yes, they can.
However, MD5 tries its best to have two objects that are very similar to have different digests. Meaning, if two strings are off by only one or two characters, then it is highly unlikely that the two digests are the same. On the other hand, if two strings are completely different, then it has a better chance that the digests are the same.

Books: Java Threads, 3rd Edition, Jini in a Nutshell, and Java Gems (contributor)

Java Cowboy
posted 10 years ago

Imesh Damith wrote:also can two unequal objects have same hashcode if i use MD5?

Yes they can, as Henry already said. Hash codes, in whatever form, are not going to help you here. It's theoretically impossible to make it so that two unequal objects always have different hash codes - if that would be possible, you'd have invented an incredible compression algorithm that violates the laws of information theory.
It's easy to see why this is theoretically impossible. Suppose you have a block of data containing N bits. Then there are 2^N possible ways you could fill this block of data. Now, you're going to calculate an M-bit hash code over the block of data (where M < N). So there are 2^M possible hash codes. Since M < N, 2^M < 2^N, so there are less possible hash codes than blocks of data. This means that there must be different blocks of data that have the same hash code.

Generate Secret Key Java

posted 10 years ago
hi, jesper and henry
Thanks for the explenation, so is there anyway that i can solve my problem? do i have to keep lengthy string itself as the key in the map?
Java Cowboy
posted 10 years ago
If you need to be able to distinguish two objects which are not the same, then you are going to need to compare the objects fully somehow. Whether you do this via this lengthy string that you create out of the content of the objects, or whether you just compare the state of two objects directly, is up to you.
In my answer above I said that hash codes are not going to help you. That's maybe not entirely true - you can use hash codes to make comparisons faster. That's how collections such as HashSet and HashMap in the standard Java API work. But you will still need a way to compare the complete content of objects.
To compare two objects, you could do this:
1. Check if the hash codes of the two objects are different. If they are, then you're done; the two objects are different.
2. If the hash codes are equal, then you need to compare the full content of the two objects to determine if they are equal or not.
If you do it that way, then you only need to do a full comparison if the hash codes of the two objects are equal.
I don't know how performance critical your code is, but on a normal computer strings of 100 characters and 250 objects that you need to compare can be done in a small fraction of a second. Don't waste too much time on performance optimization if you don't know that there's a performance problem.
posted 10 years ago

Secret Key Indonesia

An running it, you get . . .

java StringHashDemo Campbell
text length: 10000008, starts like this: Campbell멓㕑Campbellꀺ剂Campbell஻ꚲCampbell㡗罴Campbell噠떻Campbell꾌뷭Campbell꾱Campbell竵컗Campbell읥?Campbell⶘雦Campbell⛅䕴Campbell䞈躧Campbell਺Campbell炂滕Campbell䕘鷎Campbell푽쩊Campbell줕쬃Campbell苀횂CampbellꞲඐCampbell葻촻Campbell–纇Campbell佺Campbell諚嗝Campbell׬㺭Campbell폖썉Campbell퀿훂Campbell毆饐Campbell暼∙Campbell㩇뤃Campbell齋킎Campbellწ矒Campbell⁡嶔Campbell?婴Campbell㹇끋CampbellᤘࢫCampbell怚捳Campbell偑栛Campbell䦡ᕟCampbell⎀焰Campbellེ倏Campbell睚כCampbell봰癚CampbellCampbell愧驉Campbell羗偎Campbell墘矸Campbell뼛靼Campbell욌Campbell熇놂Campbell旱Campbell꫻풰Campbell涼నCampbellㅰ砬Campbell욪뒂Campbell轗ݣCampbell㦸벱CampbellⲖ㊣Campbell檫ȐCampbell剟ęCampbell䅲炘Campbell▪࿎Campbell閹쮪Campbell㵢䨮Campbell鄱箧Campbell풁㺫Campbell霟崜Campbell薨᪝CampbellЩ㏩Campbell䴅ᢙCampbell힉∊Campbell๾鱧Campbell?Campbell慰⸣Campbell愲?Campbell뢑뻆Campbell຅浓Campbell玶Campbell䙁惢Campbell퉿燀Campbell໐?Campbell橂阛Campbell襰ŒCampbell纫?Campbell빬㪚Campbell믥↻Campbell泯⊒Campbell≐箞Campbellꇤ㊦Campbell윋긙Campbell䮇⻾Campbell㇘霡Campbell安螪CampbellCampbell态莫Campbell࣑Campbell孵멒Campbellΐ认Campbellệ쏦Campbellड़Campbellௌ
. . . and the hashcode for that object follows, taking 50497.219 μs to work out . . . d10dfa69

Java Generate Secret Key

It varies between 51 and 68 milliseconds. For 10 million characters. Is that really too slow for you?

Java Create Secret Key From String

posted 10 years ago
Thanks guys. I will use the custom built string as the key. as you guys explained it would not be a performance hit.
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